iref zones - listing of current universe Zones
# Name (Description) ------------------------------------------------------ 0) None (Totally isolated area) 1) Sepharia (Main Continent, Lord Agrippa) 2) Beltane (Lord Maldra) 3) Wizardry Isle (Lord Bloodbane) 4) Oceanus Ingenii 5) The Proving Grounds (Lord Bloodbane) 6) Trigael (Yellow Moon) 7) Marabah (Silver Moon) 8) Magical Zone (Ethereal Void, Limbo) 9) Novice Zone (Lasler) 10) IEN Chat Rooms (Chat Command) 11) Player-Killing Arena (Arena in Rune, etc.) 12) Verity Isle (Floating Isle, Tower of Riga) 13) Proving Tower (on Verity Isle, aka Tower of Riga) 14) Faerie Plane 15) Avros (New Continent, upper right of Sepharia) 16) Auryn 17) Hellbent Mountain 18) Alyrian Underground 19) CTF Arena 20) Domain of Arbaces 21) Challenge Arenas 22) Alyria Overworld 23) Sigil Underground 24) Clanhalls 25) SUG Connectors (obsolete in 5.0) 27) Astral Plane 28) Spiritual Plane 29) Excluded (totally exempt from procgen quests/content, valid-*-for-*quest fills, etc) 30) Common (stock areas, etc) 31) Globals (halloween, christmas)